
All posts by: admin

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Here are 5 helpful health and fitness tips for anyone turning 50 or in their 50’s in 2014!! 1. Sleep well – all night and every night. Being able to get a consistent nights sleep is seen as the baseline of good health and fitness at any age, but especially in midlife. Not getting a good […]

So many people can be mislead buy what the content food labels. When items have “0 fat” it does not make it “healthy”. This are some of the tricks companies use to convenience you that their food may help you loose weight. Here are 5 foods that you may have thought were a healthy option […]

Memorial Day is around the corner. Find yourself traveling for the holiday and constantly thrown off schedule and away from BodyScapes, unable to get a workout in? Not to worry. We have all the tools you need to keep you working out, even when you have to spend time away! So many simple workouts can […]

Let’s face it. We’re all busy and constantly on the go. Finding time to workout and eat healthy all within our busy schedules? It’s not an easy task. Let us help you with some suggestions for healthy, portable snacks packed with protein and nutrients that you can take on the go to keep you feeling […]